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• 5400 NW 22nd Ave, Miami, FL

The Joseph Caleb Memorial Mosaic Mural

Handmade ceramic tile, commercial tile, cowrie shells

The JCMM is located in the Caleb Center on NW 54th Street and 22nd. Avenue In Liberty City and is installed on the second floor level overlooking the mezzanine area of the plaza. The mural was installed in September 1996 and is approximately 35’ x 100’ feet. Charles Humes Jr. custom made and cut his own tiles that feature images of local cultural figures, community workers, Yoruba and Adinkrah symbols. Including the African-American and Pan-African colors; red, black, green, gold. The local Black Union 478 logo, a circular and geometric composition of symmetrical patterns. A portrait of the artist’s family with Mr. Joseph Caleb. Mr. Caleb, was heralded as an activist leader in South Florida. He was also president of the Local International Union of North American Laborers. Mr. Caleb was tragically murdered in 1972.  The Joseph Caleb Memorial Mosaic Mural was commissioned by the citizens of Miami’s Black community under the direction of the County Arts in Public Places Authority.

Charles Humes Jr. was born in Miami, FL.
He attended Miami Dade Community College. Received a BFA from Florida International University. Is a member and past president of the Kuumba Artist Collective of South Florida.
My work includes traditional drawing and painting tools. My focus is site-specific murals chronicling the culture, history, people, times and locations where I’ve lived. Documenting the expressive depiction of people of color. Black lives are paramount in my practice.